Vaygren Lore Q&A #2
t’s time once again for another Vaygren Lore Q&A!
But first, some updates. Obviously, the update still isn’t out, but we are making steady progress, and getting a better grasp on how long some of these things take and where we can optimize our workflow going forward. Of course, it’s all just talk until we do it, so back to the grindstone.
Now, while we brace ourselves for the incoming comments… Open your mind and take in the lore!
Vaygren Lore Q&A #2
Disclaimer: Until any of these answers appear in a game, animation, comic, etc, they are subject to change at our whim.
Are there other monarchs in the world of Vaygren or is Alees the only one?
There are, though considerably less since Alees rose to power several decades ago…
Is there a queen of the Elves or Dark Elves?
Well, Elves and Vaymen are the most common of races in Vaygren, and it’s been a long, LONG time since the majority of Elves or Vaymen followed a specific ruler.
Dark Elves, on the other hand, are still mostly from one region, the Shadow Wastes, and though they don’t currently have a specific ruler, most of them do see themselves as independent from the rest of the Vaygren races. At the moment, anyway.
Who did Alees serve/service before she was in charge?
Can beastkin change into their animal forms? Nekomata into cats, lizardkin into lizards, etc?
Technically, any sapient race in Vaygren can learn to use magic to shapeshift, though it’s more difficult for non-beastkin to learn. Even so, just because they CAN learn to shapeshift, doesn’t mean it’s easy, and (with a few exceptions) they do have to put effort into learning the skill.
That said, SOME of the beastkin races do have innate shapeshifting abilities, like the Nekomata or Kitsune. When they achieve a certain level of magic, they gain the ability to shapeshift; however, if their tails are cut off, they lose this innate ability. They can re-learn to shapeshift via a spell, like any other race, but lose their innate ability to do so.
How does one rank up in Alees army?
Despite the obvious rampant sexual corruption in the empire, ranking in the imperial army is still largely merit based.
Alees has 12 generals that serve beneath her (heh), and each runs their division of the army differently. Some focus on strength and raw power, some on cunning, and others on seduction and stealth. Some soldiers might get promoted in return for sexual favors; however if they don’t have the skills to keep those positions, they don’t last very long.
It seems that the army is quite lenient with the level of harassment they allow in their ranks. Is there a point where it can go too far and someone will step in?
It depends. As mentioned above, each of the twelve generals runs their division differently. Some of them have standards that they hold their underlings to, others… not so much. Some even encourage it, or push their soldiers to go further.
This can cause some strife between the different generals and their divisions. General Solara is known for being honorable and keeping a tight rein on her soldiers. She doesn’t like to see her efforts wasted, so she makes sure her underlings don’t cross any lines. That said, she and her soldiers are still part of the empire, and that comes with certain… liberties.
Are there guilds/mercenaries/adventurers that take on missions / defeat monsters for money?
Absolutely! We don’t see much of them in Vaygren LT, as the focus is on members of the imperial army, but there definitely are the more traditional fantasy adventurer types out there in the world!
Are there magical / fight tournaments in Vaygren?
Absolutely! The gladiators are one of the main forms of entertainment for high society in the Empire.
Do they have any sports games and what do they play in Vaygren? Like football, basketball, baseball, volleyball?
They have a number of different sports, some even similar to ones we have on Earth, although none are exactly the same and have different names.
Will there be a multiverse in Vaygren?
In the sense that Vaygren and Earth exists in different universes / dimensions, yes (and maybe others worlds exist). But as far as other universes where you can find different versions of the same character, then no.
That said, we might do some non-canon short stories or games with the Vaygren characters in different settings, for fun. Maybe a Vaygren Space Opera with space ship battles, or a 1920s noir detective story where Cassidy is a private eye. Could be fun.
That’s it for now, back to cracking the whip on production.
As always, if you’ve got any questions you’d like to see answered, whether it’s about game development or Vaygren lore, drop them in the comments below or shoot us a message on Discord, and it might get mentioned in the next Q&A post!
The next Q&A will be about the game’s development, so this is your chance to ask for some specifics about how we make the game, why exactly things take so darn long, etc…
Back to the dev mines.